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Even if you didn’t know its name, you’ve probably come across this typography symbol that looks more like a musical treble clef than a piece of type. In this blog, we’re breaking down when to use it and some of our favourite Ampersands styles.
Being one of the oldest alphabetic abbreviations, it evolved from the letters ‘e’ and ‘t’ combining to form the Latin word ‘et’. And is the abbreviation for ‘and’.
Today, the “&” is a popular symbol when you have limited space and, depending on the font you choose, to show creative flair and fun.
A great place to start is using an ampersand in your website’s headings. Check out the examples below from our site.
Once you feel comfortable using it as a word substitute, try incorporating it into the design of your website.
In this example, we changed the ampersand colour, size and spacing between the words turning the design lockup into a creative stand-out piece.
The main purpose of an Ampersand is to substitute for the word, and.
We, however, prefer to think of them as little pieces of art in typography. Because there’s nothing quite as enchanting as the creativity and curves of an a &.
This powerful glyph can add depth and intrigue to your designs.
Here are a few of our favourite Ampersands.
That’s a wrap on What is an Ampersand (& when do you use it)? In this blog, we shared our favourite Ampersands and why we’re such huge fans of this decorative glyph. How about you? Are you team Ampersand? Let us know. In the meantime, follow us on Pinterest for more blog posts like this.
Grab our FREE Essential Guide for Creatives – Do’s & Don’ts of what to add to your website.
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