Some website templates claim they are suitable for everyone, but we know as a photographer, specialising in destination weddings, you have very specific needs when it comes to your website.
Are your family and friends still viewing your business as a hobby?
It's hard to convince them otherwise when your website doesn't match your beautiful photography.
Your current site could also be turning your ideal clients away, and if that happens,
you'll never be able to raise your prices and charge what you know you're worth.
It doesn't have to be like this. That’s why we created The Wanderlust Weddings Template.
Feel confident in knowing you’ve done everything you need to do before hitting the launch button on your beautiful new site.
This handy go-to guide explains Showit’s layout and answers all your questions to ‘what does what’. The Cheat Sheet will become your new best friend, print it out or keep it side-by-side on your screen.
As your knowledge in Showit increases, so will your ability to make changes.
These three step-by-step guides are the perfect stepping stone in your journey to becoming a Showit wiz.
“How to move, scale, rotate & remove objects”
“How to create galleries & link to them”
“How to position images within image frames”
In this limited time bonus, we’ll go through your entire updated website template, giving you feedback, and suggestions on what’s working and what needs extra care. From headlines to images, and everything in-between we’ll cover it all in this personalised video review. Look out for your huge discount offer at the checkout.
*If you purchase a template via part-payment, this bonus offer is available once the final payment is received.
Move, rotate and scale any element anywhere, and your website will display just as you see it in the website builder.
Our Step-by-Step template training series and personalised video website review will give you the confidence to know what to do.
To use your premium template, you’ll need a subscription to Showit. Technical help is also available via Showit chat 8am-5pm PST, email or through the active Facebook group.
Design and build your website without knowing a line of code. Update mobile and desktop simultaneously.
Other platforms seem great at the start, but you soon hit roadblocks and limitations when you try to break away from the standard layout.
Our premium templates come with a tier that includes a matching Shop and Wordpress blog.
Shops can link to Print on Demand stores,
or sell directly with Shopify Starter
(subscription required).
Your premium template will work across
mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop and everything in-between.
Your site is continually backed up, and comes with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL), to protect your website and its visitors.
Your premium template follows SEO best practice. Meaning your site gets seen more and ranked better by Google.
A free or generic website template may save you money at the start, but it will cost you more in your time (and stress) by trying to figure out how to do everything on your own. So another month passes by, and you still don't have the website you really want.
Wouldn’t you prefer a simple to use, update and publish website template designed specifically for you and your industry? One you could actually feel proud of? And with our step-by-step training guides, you'll never be left wondering how to do anything!