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We love helping creatives like you finally have the website you’ve always wanted.
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Are you new to or are hearing about Showit for the first time?
Do you want to learn more about updating your Showit template, but aren’t even sure how to create your Showit Subscription?
You can relax as you have come to the right place. In this blog, we’ll walk you through all the steps.
Wait, want to learn more? Check out our entire – How-to Use Showit Series below.
Before we begin
What’s Showit
Updates to Showit & our 12-part series
Are You Ready?
How do I Join Showit?
How to Create a Showit Subscription
Create Your Showit Account
Showit is our favourite website platform due to its easy-to-use, drag-and-drop features and total creative freedom.
It is the only platform all our website templates run on. And, you can check out our Template Emporium Collection here.
Showit is also a subscription-based service and includes secure web hosting, secure backups, blog options, online help, and so much more.
Being an online program, Showit is constantly streamlining processes to make things easier.
And sometimes Showit will make updates that may look different to the graphics displayed in this blog and our 12-part series.
Our goal is to have the most up-to-date version here, and when we see this happen, we’ll be sure to update the blog to match the amends.
While other blog posts skim over vital information and leave you wondering what do I do next? We won’t leave you hanging.
The best way to learn something new is step-by-step.
We’ll tell you exactly what to press, open or close, and when and how to do it.
We won’t teach you everything about Showit, just the parts you need to know so you can confidently update your template, and finally, launch your dream website!
The sequence of the blog posts lets you build on what you’ve just learnt, allowing your skill set to grow along the way.
To work on your template, you’ll need a subscription to Showit. (Don’t have a Showit template? We have a variety of them here.)
Showit has 3 subscription tiers available:
You can use the 14-day Showit trial to decide on what tier you want.
After your 14-day free Showit trial – use our affiliate link to get your first paid month for free!
Tier 1 – Does not come with a blog
(purchase this option if you don’t need a blog as it is the most cost-effective.)
• Tier 2 – Comes with a standard WordPress blog
(Comes with free blog migration from WordPress and Squarespace)*.
• Tier 3 – For heavy blog users and comes with advanced blog options.
(Comes with free blog migration from WordPress and Squarespace)*.
*May be subject to change. Check here for the latest free blog transfer options.
You have now set up your SHOWIT ACCOUNT.
1. Click the SIGN IN blue button.
If you use a web browser such as Firefox or Safari, you may see the message below appear when you try and login to Showit.
Log in again using Chrome and, you will be able to start using Showit.
You’ve created your Showit Subscription and Account.
Now you’re ready to open up your Showit Template.
We’ll show you all the steps in Part 2, How to Import Your Showit Template.
Ready to start creating your website with Showit? Hit the button below and get your first subscription month for free.
Full disclosure, this is our affiliate link. So if you join Showit, you’ll be supporting us which helps us produce more content like this, at no additional cost to you.
Now you’re ready to open up your beautiful new template. We’ll show you the steps in Part 2 – How to Import Your Showit Template – Show Me How.
PIN IT FOR LATER. And for more helpful tips follow us on PINTEREST.
When you sign up, we’ll send you
emails with additional helpful content.
About Lavinia & Tom
Hi, we're so glad you found us.
We love helping creatives like you finally have the website you’ve always wanted.
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